Original version To This story Appeared Quanta Magazine.
Most single cell microorganisms, not solo operators, are complex. In the sea, soil and intestines, you can fight each other, eat each other, exchange DNA, compete with nutrients, or eat each other’s by -products. Sometimes they get more intimate. One cell can make other cells slipped in other cells and make it comfortable. If the condition is right, it can be a relationship that can last for generations or billions of years. This phenomenon of this cell, which lives in other cells called endosymbiosis, has evolved the evolution of complex life.
Examples of cell symbolization are everywhere. Mitochondria, cell energy factory, It was once a free sterilization bacteria. Photosynthetic plants were originally independent organisms with sunburns in the chloroplast. Many insects eat essential nutrients In bacteria living in them. And last year researchers I found “nitroplast”. Endeability that helps some birds to fair nitrogen.
Many of life depends on the endative relationship, but we struggled to understand what happened to scientists. How does the intrinsic cells avoid digestion? How do you learn how to play inside the host? Why is the random merger of two independent organisms into a stable and persistent partnership?
For the first time, the researchers saw the opening choreography of this fine dance. Endosymbiosis induction in the laboratory. After injecting bacteria into the fungus (and the process of solving creative problem solving (and bicycle pump), researchers have aroused cooperation without killing bacteria or hosts. Make it possible.
The cells were adjusted to each other earlier than expected. “For me, this means that the organism really wants to live together and the symbiosis is a standard.” Vasilis kokkorisIn Amsterdam’s VU University, Mycologist studies symbiotic cell biology and is not involved in new research. “So it’s a big news in the world.”
According to the lack of early attempts, most of the cellular love dating failed. However, by understanding the way of accepting internal leaves, reasons and timing, researchers can develop synthetic cells designed for better understanding of the main moments of evolution and potentially powerful Endo targets.
Cell wall innovation
Julia vorholtMicrobiologists, a microbiologist at the Swiss Federal Technology Research Institute in Switzerland, have long been embarrassed for their symbolic situations. Researchers in this field argued that once the bacteria sneaked into the host cell, the relationship between infection and harmony struck the clock. If the bacteria are reproduced too quickly, there is a risk of depletion of the host’s resources and causing the immune response, causing guests, hosts, or both. If you reproduce too slowly, it will not be established by itself. They thought that only in rare cases, bacteria achieved goldilocks reproductive speed. Then, in order to be a true endurance, it must penetrate the raw period of the host and ride to the next generation. Finally, the genome of the host must eventually cause mutations to accommodate bacteria.
Vorholt said, “They are addicted to each other.