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Something to brag about | Economic Prism

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Something to brag about | Economic PrismWhat would the 2024 US presidential election mean if there were no assassination attempts?

These days, wherever you look, there are crazy people walking around. You can see them at the market, at the gas station, or even when you’re walking down Main Street.

They are crazy and out of their minds, and they believe what the media tells them: that Donald Trump is Hitler. And what’s more, some of these crazy people want to put their fingerprints on the change of history in the spirit of democracy.

The current social and political madness will not end on Election Day. It is very likely that it will continue for years or even decades to come. There will be another Russiagate. FALSE There could be a pandemic, an unnecessary war, or something much worse.

As the grip of the American empire slips through dirty fingers, the assumption of honest elections and a peaceful transfer of power becomes uncertain. There is too much corrupt money and power at stake for the will of the people to freely decide who will be the next president of the United States.

There is no doubt that America has had its fair share of assassinations throughout its short history. The popular storyline for these incidents is that they are always carried out by a lone madman: Booth, Guito, Czolgosz, Oswald. This also applies to the failed assassination attempts of Schrank, Hinckley Jr., and Crooks.

Perhaps it’s easier to accept this as the lone act of a quirk rather than something more sinister.

Security 101 is all about establishing a secure perimeter. The Secret Service failed to do so at the Donald Trump rally near Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024. Was it a simple mistake?

To better understand what happened and why or how the Secret Service allowed a man with a rifle to aim at Trump from just 150 yards away during a planned event, we need context. Where to start?


Let us return to the Roman Empire, where we will find that many emperors met their Creator not through old age or the inability of the masses, but by the hands of assassins. It was common for kings to be killed in the quest for power.

Edward Gibson writes: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776) proposed that: note This is the story of how the Emperor Aurelian, who ruled from 270 to 275, met his fate.

“Such was the unfortunate state of the Roman emperors. Whatever their conduct, their fate was generally the same. A life of pleasure or virtue, severity or mildness, idleness or glory, all led to a premature grave, and nearly all their reigns ended in the same disgusting repetition of treason and murder.”

The frequent assassinations of Roman emperors were not considered to be the sole acts of a lone madman. They were understood to be the result of a conspiracy by senators and the military, and in many cases were carried out in order to end a period of oppressive rule.

For example, Gaius Caesar, known as Caligula (Little Boots), offended the wrong people. Described as a mad tyrant, Caligula sought to increase the emperor’s unlimited personal power. He also demanded worship as a living god and insulted his senate.

On January 24, 41 AD, Caligula was assassinated by a conspiracy of Praetorian Guard officers, senators, and other elites. The Praetorian Guard served as the personal bodyguard of the Roman emperors, much like the Secret Service today.

The intentions may have been good. Some conspirators thought that Caligula’s assassination would provide an opportunity to restore the Roman Republic. How foolish. The Praetorians unilaterally proclaimed Caligula’s uncle Claudius as the next emperor. And the madness continued.

How should I use it?

Deep State

President Biden has been in a state of mental decline throughout his presidency. His handlers, the mainstream media, and Washington insiders have been working overtime to try to interfere with him. But anyone who bothered to look knew what was going on. Biden’s debate performance should not have been the source of new revelations.

Obviously, Biden did not run the country. He doesn’t even know who his vice president is. That job is done by unelected men and women, the Deep State, who use their wealth and influence to control Washington for their own gain.

Trump is at odds with the Deep State, whether you like him or not. He is seen as a threat to the status quo. So the Deep State is doing everything it can to get him out of office. Jim Quinn burning platform Here’s a recap of what’s been going on recently.

“But since Trump unexpectedly came to power in 2016, the treasonous actions of the Deep State and its minions in government, media, and the surveillance state have been exposed: trying to destroy Trump with the fake Russiagate investigation, impeaching him twice without evidence, fomenting a fake pandemic to rig the 2020 election, inciting a fake insurrection to prevent him from running again, using the power of the Justice Department to frame him on a multitude of bogus charges, ordering a shoot-out if necessary and raiding his residence, allowing millions of illegal immigrants into the United States and encouraging illegal voting to invalidate the 2024 election, denounced him as a threat worse than Hitler, and now using scapegoats to assassinate him while his Secret Service detail pretended to protect him.

“There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Deep State/Invisible Government is running the show, and we are all just spectators who have been brainwashed to do whatever they are told by those who ‘have our best interests at heart.'”

Something to be proud of

It’s already been decided where things are going in America. In general, we’re going to a very unpleasant place.

Whether Trump wins, Biden wins, or some other puppet takes power, America’s challenges will remain: political exploitation, social collapse, empty cities, inflation, massive debt and deficits, pointless wars, busywork, distorted stock, bond, and real estate markets, lack of eye contact, and a deeper descent into violence and brutality.

The origin of all this stems from one fundamental fact: money is corrupt. Until this cornerstone of civilization is corrected, the current voyage to hell will not be reversed in a hand basket.

The cycle of issuing debt and continually devaluing the currency has expanded the size and scope of government to an incomprehensible degree. There is no program too big or too stupid to not be included in a congressional spending bill. The more wasteful, the better.

Corrupt money leads to corrupt government. As the national debt explodes, the political elite are using the deep state to spend money for their own personal gain. They are getting rich at your expense.

The Roman citizens of Caligula’s time knew that the Roman Republic was gone. In America today, many voters still can’t put 2 and 2 together. Others are content to lie.

They will cast their ballots on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, and they will talk about democratic freedom. And they will wake up and go to work the next day to serve an invisible master.

[Editor’s note: The things taking place in America and the world today really are outrageous.  For a closer look, check out the invaluable service provided by of our friends at The Rising Tide News, where they work day and night to record America’s descent into clown world savagery.  >>Take a look, it won’t cost you a penny.]

thank you,

MN Gordon
For Economic Prism

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