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Stacey Abrams argues that the ‘attack’ on DEI is an attack on democracy.

9 Min Read
Gage Skidmore, Surprise, Arizona, USA via Wikimedia Commons

This week, Democratic former Georgia governor Stacey Abrams visited MSNBC to discuss what the Democratic Party’s strategy will be for 2024. Naturally, the topics of race, elections, and democracy came up.

Mr. Abrams detailed what he believes is one of the greatest threats to democracy. Instead of naming the left’s usual suspect of a threat to democracy, Donald Trump, Ms. Abrams chose a different threat.

It’s the latest surge in rejection of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across American institutions that threatens to dismantle democracy, according to Stacey Abrams. Let’s see if her claims have any merit.

DEI is hard to kill

Like many progressives, Stacey Abrams is unhappy with the Republican governor’s recent move to close the DEI office. Stacey Abrams in an interview with Al Sharpton said:

“What we know is that DEI, which is an attack on diversity, equity and inclusion, is an attack on democracy and an attack on education…”

According to Mr. Abrams’ statement, closing DEI offices on college campuses threatens to impede educational progress and destroy democracy. The reality of what DEI does for education and democracy is much different.

Related: What’s the cure for the DEI virus infecting medical schools?

Unfortunately, despite steps taken to stamp out DEI in states like Florida and Texas, harmful ideologies still have a firm grip on the necks of higher education institutions.

Below is sampling Current DEI hiring needs at various universities:

  • Suffolk University is seeking a civil rights professor with experience “at the intersection of law and race, gender, and sexual orientation.” Candidates must also explain how they will advance the school’s “commitment to diversity and inclusion” through their teaching, scholarship or service.
  • Syracuse is seeking a Director of “Academic and Bar Success” who will emphasize cultivating “diversity and inclusive excellence.”
  • The UCLA School of Law is seeking professors with experience advocating for “equity and diversity,” and asking them to submit a “formal statement of their contributions to diversity.”
  • NYU Law School is seeking a scholar to “lead new DEI defense initiatives” on campus.

Still prevalent in university hiring practices, it’s hard to argue that DEI is dying in education.

American Nightmare

In his argument for DEI ideology, Mr. Abrams named two fellow liberals as evidence that DEI works. She went on to say that her attacks on DEI are as follows:

“…It is an attack on how our economy works because what Senators Ossoff and Warnock represent is the path to the American Dream…”

Mentioning the names of two senators associated with groups considered marginalized as examples of the “American Dream” is not evidence that DEI provides the same for all Americans. In fact, in the economy under President Joe Biden, many millennials and younger generations are giving up on the American dream.

Owning a home is more expensive than ever. With inflation outpacing wage income each month, saving for retirement has become more difficult.

DEI initiatives do not create a path to the American dream. Rather, they create segregating off-ramps that sort Americans into convenient demographic categories.

In most cases, these categories are broadly defined as the preferred minority group at the time. Meanwhile, everyone else is the oppressor because they don’t fit in or are out of line.

Take David Porter, a statistics professor at North Carolina State University, as an example. he was punishment Expressed DEI concerns within your field and department.

Or Elizabeth Weiss, professor of anthropology at San Jose State University. she is locked Her department that dares to speak out against the DEI cult.

DEI is not used to bring people together and uplift them. It is used to pinpoint and root out opponents.

RELATED: MSNBC’s Joy Reid Says There’s Something ‘Incredibly Poetic’ About DEI Officials Indicting Trump

painful proof point

Mr. Abrams went on to assert that Senators Ossoff and Warnock:

“…proof points and those proof points scare people who want this world to be small and limited.”

Since Mr. Abrams has presented the evidentiary points, it is only fair to present some evidence of my own. The 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has harsh findings.

Only 22% of 8th grade students handy In civics, only 13% are proficient in American history. The same grade recorded: lowest Scores in math and reading in 10 years.

RELATED: CNN coverage of OJ’s death: Simpson represented black community, ‘especially since two white people were killed’

When looking at college-age students, 67% of major universities need Students can take some form of DEI course regardless of their preferred field of study. But a recent Campus Expression Survey found that record numbers of students are reluctant to discuss controversial issues in courses related to the topic.

  • 47% are reluctant to discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict
  • 45% are reluctant to discuss politics
  • 30% are reluctant to discuss religion

When opponents of DEI say they want the world to be “narrow and limited,” some would say they are “turning the kettle black.” Nothing is more narrow or limited in thinking than DEI.

wise words

Stacey Abrams opened my mind to DEI with this gem.

“We must remember that in every victory there is a seed of defeat, and in every defeat there is a seed of victory.”

This is a quote from the great Prime Minister Winston Churchill. It’s ironic that one of the most prolific election deniers in modern times offers wisdom on how best to deal with defeat.

Anyway, she’s right. Conservatives and those who believe in freedom of thought and diversity must be careful not to rest on the few wins they have against DEI.

DEI will survive as long as dedicated offices remain open. It is very similar to a terrorist virus. It’s based on hate, and if there’s one thing humanity has proven to be good at, it’s hate.

DEI is an attack on democracy, and its persistence has undermined every American institution. I’m sorry, Stacey. But as Elon Musk pointed out, DEI must die for democracy to thrive again.

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