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Steps to get six pack abs

5 Min Read
Tags: abs, workout, fitness, health, weight loss, muscles, exercise

At some point, each of us has passionately wanted a chiseled, rock-hard midsection. We all want to know 6 ways to get great abs. Well, here’s one of the best kept secrets. It is the most desired body part and a symbol of sex. In multiple studies, researchers and health experts alike have found that reducing abdominal fat mass and waist-to-hip ratio are the most important steps you can take to stay healthy throughout your life and age gracefully. Most of us have given up on the idea because our search has been futile. We’re inundated with misinformation: fad diets, fat-burning supplements, exercise machines, and dramatic before-and-after photos promoting six-week transformations. There’s not one, but four keys to getting those coveted six-pack abs. Lower your body fat percentage by: 1.) Follow a precise nutrition plan that combines the right amount and type of carbohydrate with the right amount of protein distributed strategically throughout the day, as well as during strength training and cardio sessions. 2.) Smart

Cardiovascular Program3.) Light and athletic mid sets4.) Strengthening core muscles and strengthening all other muscle groups In this article we will focus on #4. The secret weapon for developing abdominal wall muscles is the little-known abdominal vacuum exercise. Target the innermost abdominal muscle, the transverse abdominis (TVA for short). Most people don’t even know what they have, let alone how to activate it. TVA is like a corset. It is an internal weight belt that holds the internal organs in place. It is the foundation for the rest of the abdominal muscles, the internal and external obliques, and the rectus abdominis. If you’ve been doing crunches and leg raises until you’re blue in the face, but you still don’t like your midsection, these tips will help you take your process of finding the right midsection one step further. Strengthening TVA has other benefits as well. This is the only exercise that can actually reduce your waist. By working and strengthening the TVA, you actually provide more support to your spine, reducing the risk of your vertebrae or discs slipping out of place. Did you know that old leather weight belts are no longer used? That’s because we’ve learned to tighten our internal weight belts instead of using external weight belts, which blocks the need for TVA activation during exercise, which leads to injuries.

Better sex. Strengthening the TVA with abdominal vacuum exercises engages the diaphragm and also strengthens the pelvic floor muscles (Kegel squeeze). To perform Kegel exercises, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles as if you are trying to stop the flow of urine midstream. Stronger pelvic floor muscles help women achieve orgasm and help men achieve and maintain an erection. It also makes orgasms more pleasurable. As soon as I tell my clients this, you can always be sure that you are overtraining your TVA. You can train other abdominal muscles more effectively. You cannot fire cannons from a canoe. If your foundation is weak, you cannot build strong walls in your building. Strengthening your core foundation will allow you to perform other abdominal exercises at a more targeted intensity. You will notice a difference within a few weeks. Athletics – The TVA is the deepest abdominal muscle group. It’s really the point, the point. An athlete may be in good cardiovascular shape and have strong leg and back muscles, but if their core muscles are not in optimal condition, they will have weak links in the body’s muscle chains, affecting every movement they make. Every movement and reaction begins at the core. If your core muscles do not do their job of stabilizing and moving your torso, your arm and leg muscles will overcompensate and try to perform tasks for which they are not properly prepared. To adjust and activate TVA, place your hands near your hips. Flatten your tummy by gently sucking in your tummy or pulling it in from the waist band. This is the diameter of the body of B, so the TVA can be felt in the rectum.

Posted by May Healthy Lifestyle

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