Ad image begins posting lists of thousands of ballots from fake addresses where voters cannot legally vote | gateway expert

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One group has found a way to disqualify fraudulent ballots before they are counted.

Guest post by Jay Valentine

Wisconsin looks good for the Trumpsters, and Kams must feel like he’s falling apart. Polls show Tammy Baldwin is struggling.

The article continued about the Dems’ “Panic!”

My Friends is a political theater because they not only track the fake ballots that come in to play Trump, but they also track the NGOs that are trying to do it.

And they don’t panic.

All the NGO community needed was for Kams and Tammy to keep it close and they would do the rest. Of course, sometimes it’s pure dumb luck, like Trump putting in place people who know nothing about ballot manufacturing. This was an unexpected gift.

The RNC and Trump campaign will spend millions to stop in-person voting fraud. This is far less than 5% of fraud in 2024.

The RNC and Trumpsters will spend zero dollars to stop 95% of the election fraud (mail-in ballot fraud sent from ineligible addresses) that NGOs collect and vote against Trump and every Republican Senate candidate.

So, guys, get ready for a “scary” situation on an industrial scale!

Trump will be screwed in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan unless he finds a way to shine a light on this issue outside of his campaign.

Stay tuned!

As we have told our readers many times, the era of election fraud is over. Now we are in a world of large-scale, industrialized voter fraud machines funded by billions of dollars in tax-exempt funding from NGOs.

These NGOs don’t want money. At the same time, Republican/conservative groups cannot get the funding to stop or slow down these NGOs.

Republican donations go toward advertising buys, salaries, PR, salaries, ad buys, and training 200,000 poll watchers so they can easily see the NGO-generated ballots flowing through machine tabulators on Election Day.

Until we begin efforts like this, we cannot begin to fathom the foolishness and mind-numbing incompetence of the people who reside in Trumpland.

If he wins (which is really hard to do with all this mail-in voting), the people around him are woefully incompetent.

What we can report from empirical evidence is one of the reasons why the left is monopolizing the NGO sector.

For example, a very successful left-wing NGO in Wisconsin is PowerPac. They have no agitation or fear. As far as they are concerned, this election is going smoothly.

NGOs and political groups, most of them left-wing, form hidden networks that curtail the spending of major political parties, even during elections.

How influential are they?

How much tax-free dough is there?

from here China Progress Foundation and Tide Foundation.

This is what the Republican Party is against. And these NGOs are not scammers.

There are no billionaires with “their man” standing at the door.

Their billionaires are all participating in a program that funds street fighting organizations to register all living creatures with just a name and address.

All we need is your name and address and we will take it from there. America will find out in about 30 days.

Those names and addresses, collected so carefully over the past 12 years, will teach Republicans why a three-point lead in Pennsylvania is a chip shot for NGOs. They have over 1.4 million anomalous ballots!

Maybe that’s the problem, maybe we don’t have a lot of money on the side of the literal good guys. In other words, there may be no billionaires.

The candidates themselves are ridiculous. The RNC is useless and charming. The National Voter Integrity Organization has never seen this and continues to deny it.

Pretty lousy hands.

That’s exactly the way we like it now. Because we have an asymmetric fight coming and we have weapons that no one has ever used in electoral history. And we are doing it with your help.

Asymmetric warfare is always about small guys taking on big, well-funded, bureaucratic behemoths. So here we are.

Asymmetric warfare has surprising, surprising, and effective results.

We have data.

In addition to the junk that everyone else has, we have all the evidence that no one else has or can’t create because they don’t have the time or skills to do it.

We’re posting ballots for swing states. – It starts in about a week.

Our big leftist NGOs in Wisconsin are manufacturing tens of thousands of ballots, while the Trump campaign doesn’t know. We’ve already cross-searched that address with other databases.

We have quantum speed technology. So you can do in a matter of hours what would take everyone else (both sides) 3 months.

And they don’t even have 3 months!

The fight won’t end in 26 days. The fight begins this week. Once posted, for the first time in U.S. history, a list of ballots ready to be counted will be posted from the address where the voter is registered. I was unable to vote on that ballot.

Voters are real.

The ballots are real.

The address is real.

However, the address cannot be delivered. This means that actual voters did not receive actual ballots. They couldn’t have the ballots because they couldn’t be delivered to them.

It’s not us that says that, it’s the government post office. This is a list of real estate taxes.

That ballot has been voted. Not him!

And we have a list and we’re publishing it for every possible swing state.

Funded by small donations from friends like you!

The next question is what will happen come October 27th, when in Wisconsin, which will win by 23,000 votes, shows 75,000 fake ballots ready to be counted.

Surely whoever loses will want proof.

Friends, this is an asymmetric war. Because when we are challenged, we demonstrate our thieving hearts and souls on a grand scale, by the thousands.

It’s not a dead voter.

Not after the election.

It’s not some BS machine, and it’s certainly not an algorithm. These are real-time votes collected from official registers, where other official registers show the votes cast by someone other than the voter.

We have data.

We are the only ones who can fully document and present this with government records.

If we need donations from friends like you to show us what technological innovation looks like and how the David and Goliath fight ends, we’ll go it alone.

Support the team at:

How big is it?

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