What does term diffusion predict? IP, GDP, coincident index?
It is common to correlate term spreads with future economic activity measured…
GDP Current Broadcast/Tracking: What does this mean?
Never just look at the headline number. “Why” is the question. GDP…
ZeroHedge: “The mystery of upward GDP revision has been solved”
“Now you’re all $500 billion richer, according to the revised Biden administration…
GDP Nowcasts: Growth Continues Through Q3
We have a lot of competitive assessments going on today, from the…
Business cycle indicators, employment, monthly GDP
Below is a chart showing the main indicators followed by the NBER…
Nominal GDP as an indicator
Many of my objections stem from the focus on a single macroeconomic…
FT-Booth School and FOMC GDP Forecasts
The survey indicates moderate growth (q4/q4) of 2.0%, not far from the…