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The Fall of the Dollar as a Policy Issue

9 Min Read

The Fall of the Dollar as a Policy IssueMichelle Mack thought she was successful. The suburban mom was living a luxurious life with her husband and children in a $3 million mansion in northern San Diego County.

But that was before December 6, 2023, when the police raided her home, handcuffed her, dragged her out in her pajamas and slippers, and threw her in jail.

Now Mack is facing 136 felonies She is charged with grand larceny, two counts of receiving stolen property, one count of conspiracy, and one count of organized retail crime. Her home, which has a pool, four-car garage, and 31 acres of vineyards, is listed for $2.75 million. That’s after a $200,000 price reduction.

For over a decade, Mack built an elaborate network of thieves known as the “California Girls.” They stole huge quantities of cosmetics from stores across the United States. Mack then sold them on Amazon dot com at 50% off the actual retail price. In doing so, she has made $8 million since 2012, and nearly $2 million in 2022 alone.

“Thou shalt not steal.” God commanded Moses on Mount Sinai.

If Mac had followed this simple commandment, she would have saved herself and her family from the great shame of a decade of criminal activity. Instead, she would have to pay the price to the Piper for decades to come.

Mack was simply doing what her federal government modeled itself after. Public and private theft and corruption are rampant these days. That doesn’t mean it’s right, but Mack’s crimes are minor compared to the rough stuff going on in Washington.

For example, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee documented that President Biden met with Russian and Kazakh oligarchs, Burisma executives, and Chinese nationals just before millions of dollars were transferred to Biden family business accounts. A key insight: Bank records don’t lie.

Have you ever wondered what these foreign colleagues got from Biden for their millions of dollars?

The policy of corruption

We have recently observed that the ultimate degeneration of society begins with the degeneration of money. Mack and Biden are two of many examples of societies degenerating through the degeneration of money.

When the rewards of honesty and hard work are stolen through inflationary taxes and other political means, the opportunities for theft and fraud become more tempting. The more money becomes worthless, the more society becomes prone to fraud and corruption.

National leaders and suburban moms alike must get in on the action. They can’t resist the temptation that comes when the prospect of getting something for nothing is presented.

The thing to note is that this is not happening in the United States right now. This has been happening here for a very, very long time. And it has happened in declining empires over the ages.

Rather, what is noteworthy is the way in which the depreciation of currency and society is managed and recorded through policy.

Consider this week’s monthly report on the Consumer Price Index, as measured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ CPI. This number has been manipulated by government accountants to present a much more acceptable story than reality. Nevertheless, the story presented is remarkably bitter.

Latest general results CPI Report Consumer prices rose 0.4% in February, up 3.2% over the past 12 months. The annual CPI increase of 3.2% reported in February was up from the 3.1% reported in January.

This upward trend has prevented President Biden from making useless propaganda statements about prices falling.

Prices always go up

As you may recall, when the CPI growth rate was lower every month in early 2023, Biden enjoyed patting his chest and telling Americans that prices were falling. Most people can probably guess by now why this whole thing was a big lie. Still, it’s a lie worth looking into.

To be clear, the annual CPI inflation rate of 3.2% means that consumer prices are rising by 3.2% per year. Certainly, the 3.2% CPI figure is better than the 9.1% CPI reported in June 2022.

But just because 3.2% is less than 9.1% doesn’t mean that consumer prices are falling. As long as the number is positive and not negative, it means that prices are rising. In fact, prices have been rising a lot.

Monthly and yearly consumer price inflation is compounded, so the 3.1% CPI increase is on top of the much higher 9.1% CPI increase a few years ago.

Since the coronavirus madness began four years ago, the CPI has From 258.678 to 310.326. That’s a 19.97% increase. During this period, or since Biden took office, the price has never fallen. It’s always gone up.

Moreover, February 2020 was the last month before the economy was forced to shut down and fake money was pumped out. There is no going back. Prices will never go back to pre-February 2020 levels.

The Fall of the Dollar as a Policy Issue

To better understand the currency devaluation that has occurred, we can look at statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. inflation calculator. In February 2020, $1 had the same purchasing power as $1.20 today, meaning consumer prices are 20% higher than they were just four years ago.

Have you received a 20% raise in the past four years? If the answer is no, you are not alone. Most people have not. Instead, most people have been left behind.

Median household income in the U.S., adjusted for inflation, has fallen. 2.3 percent Between 2021 and 2022, it fell from $76,330 to $74,580. Government figures for 2023 have not yet been reported. But at best, households were struggling to breathe and flush the toilets during the year.

At some point, this stagflationary environment (rising prices, stagnant growth) will transfer from the economy to the financial markets. But in the meantime, there are risks for investors and speculators. Stocks, gold, and bitcoin are nearing or hitting new all-time highs every week.

But for some reason, in the face of rising consumer prices and irrational excesses, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell expects rates to be cut in 2024. That’s what he told the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee last week. confession.

So the devaluation of the dollar and society will continue to be a policy issue, and presidents, congressmen, city councilmen, and suburban moms will do whatever it takes to plunder their own loot.

There is little to be ashamed of.

[Editor’s note: It really is amazing how just a few simple contrary decisions can lead to life-changing wealth.  And right now, at this very moment, I’m preparing to make a contrary decision once again.  >> And I’d like to show you how you can too.]

thank you,

minnesota gordon
For Economic Prism

From the Fall of the Dollar as a Policy Issue to the Return to the Economic Prism

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