Jakarta -Maritime Fisheries (KKP) emphasized that the government is working worldwide to continue to promote the development of lobster cultivation in Korea to improve the fisheries sector and support the sustainability of Indonesian marine resources.
“This harvest is a very good early stage of the government that encourages the development of lobster cultivation in this country,” he said. The first lobster harvesting in the Tembeles Beach Cundervation location in the Penyaringan Village of Jembrana Regency, Bali was confirmed on Tuesday Jakarta.
PT Ratuworld Aquaculture International and Jembrana Regency PT Mutagreen Aquaculture International with a private company PT Gajaya Aquaculture International.
He was grateful for the first harvest of national lobster cultivation as a country’s industry.
He said that the lobster harvest was carried out by private parties who did their best to implement the Ministerial Number 7 in 2024 in connection with lobster cultivation.
“I believe this is an important development for the development of national lobster cultivation,” he said.
The facilities provided by the Indonesian-Vietnam JV cultivation company in Jembrana in Bali say that it is very appropriate. The land has a special pool for nursery and tempura. There is a long line sinking cage system used to raise the lobster while in the sea.
According to him, Jembrana’s lobster cultivation techniques can inspire other cultivators across Indonesia, encouraging the change of lobster cultivation technology in Indonesia.
The lobster was harvested on Monday, Tembeles Beach in the Penyaringan Village in Jembrana (1/27/2024). Antara/HO-Humas PT Ratuworld Form
In the same place, Jembrana Regent I Nengah Tamba evaluated that the relocation of knowledge and technology has resulted in his industrial lobster cultivation in his area.
According to him, many traditional fishermen armed with this knowledge have been transformed into a farming fishermen.