Two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton offered insight into her own mental state in much the same way as a Rorschach test. She sees Nazis everywhere.
Clinton attempted to address Vice President Kamala Harris’ hysteria in one go. Identifies with Donald Trump To Adolf Hitler – by painting all his supporters in the same way.
Appearing with CNN’s Caitlyn Collins, the former first lady took the opportunity to denigrate Trump’s “basket of deplorables” as neo-Nazis. why? because he hold a rally for supporters At the world’s most famous stadium, Madison Square Garden.
“The other thing we’re going to see next week is that Kaitlan is actually re-enacting Trump’s 1939 Madison Square Garden rally. I’m writing about this in my book,” Clinton told Collins. “President Franklin Roosevelt was surprised that American neo-Nazis and fascists were lining up to pledge support for the government they were seeing in Germany.”
“So I don’t think we can ignore that.”
Clinton: Trump rally is a Nazi rally
Hillary Clinton acknowledged that equating Trump’s MSG rally with a pro-Nazi rally held in 1939 may be a bridge too far for some. But not for her.
“Now, for some it may be a leap, and for many others they may be thinking, ‘I don’t want to go there.’ I don’t want to say that.’ But please open your eyes to the danger this man poses to our country. “Because I think it’s something that’s clear and present to anyone who’s interested,” she said.
I want to once again emphasize that Clinton’s remarks, like Kamala’s, were a dog whistle for her supporters to launch another attack on Trump. Literally another shot.
Can you imagine one of her anxious followers genuinely believing that a Nazi rally was taking place at MSG? And is the man on the podium a “clear and present” danger to the country?
What do you think they will do?
RELATED: Trump fires back after Kamala says she ‘wants a military like Adolf Hitler’
Bill Clinton had a big rally at MSG.
The fact that Hillary Clinton believes the rally Trump held to promote his campaign is identical to the Nazi rally held at Madison Square Garden in 1939 shows her mind at its most twisted.
But what’s especially funny is that her husband, Bill Clinton, held a major rally similar to Trump’s at MSG in 1992. It was called the DNC convention.
Clinton accepted his party’s nomination, and as far as I know, no one has called him or his supporters neo-Nazis. There he preached to his followers about the “new covenant.”
With that he asked his followers. To be an “old-school American for a new age.”
If Trump had said that, it would have meant that he called for the return of slavery and that he thought the Nazis would return.
Clinton’s blatant comparison of Trump to Hitler for daring to hold a rally at MSG is not only a sign of her bitterness and anger toward half of America. This is also a sign that the Harris camp is shaking.
She is losing. She is losing badly. The polls are a mess. And the only thing they can do is get angry and shout ‘The Nazis are coming!’