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The only amount of water you drink every day

11 Min Read

I have been drinking Himalayan unique water for several years and occasionally mention it in my blog posts. People often ask me about drinking it. One of the most common is “How much water should I drink?” Here are my thoughts on unique water and how much to drink depending on the situation.

What is Sole Water?

Sol (pronounced “soray”) is basically a saltwater solution made of plain water and pink Himalayan salt. Himalayan salt is a high-quality natural salt rich in mineral content.

While regular table salt contains only sodium chloride (NaCl), Himalayan salt can contain dozens of beneficial trace minerals in addition to sodium and chloride. (The exact number is debatable). Therefore, it can be used as a daily natural mineral supplement.

To prepare the sole, you will need a quart-sized glass jar, filtered water, and Himalayan salt. When salt crystals dissolve in water, they separate into ions. Therefore, NaCl is released as Na+ and Cl-. The positive ions of the salt surround the negative ions of the water and create new electrically charged structures.

This new substance can support detoxification and improve energy levels. Keep soles away from metal to maintain their natural charge. So, put a plastic lid on the mason jar and stir it with a wooden spoon. If you are worried about interaction with metal braces, try drinking with a glass straw!

Here are some more potential health benefits:

Health Benefits of Standalone Drinks

People drink this Himalayan salt water for a variety of reasons. Potential health benefits of unique water include:

  • Decryption Support: In general, drinking water helps support detoxification pathways, such as the urinary system. Adding soles to the water also helps your digestive system. Dissolved salt crystals can cause the release of hydrochloric acid due to the chloride they contain. Adequate stomach acid promotes the release of digestive enzymes. Removing toxins can also help balance your immune system.
  • Healthy Electrolyte Balance: Electrolytes are essential minerals that support the normal functioning of the human body. Regulates fluid balance, muscle contraction, nervous system, etc. Therefore, adding a sole may help reduce muscle cramps in some people.
  • Better Sleep: One of the key minerals in Himalayan salt is magnesium, known for its calming effects on the nervous system. It helps regulate neurotransmitters that promote relaxation and sleep. Sodium-restricted diets may also disrupt sleep patterns.
  • Increased energy levels: The adrenal glands play an important role in regulating energy and stress levels. Minerals such as magnesium and sodium in Himalayan sole support adrenal function. Healthy adrenal glands can help maintain balanced energy levels and improve resilience.
  • Weight Loss: One potential side effect of drinking only water is weight loss. Although not confirmed in research, many people report weight loss after adding sole to their daily water drink. This may be due to the positive effect salt has on insulin resistance.

How can only water help?

I personally had more energy and better digestion within the first week. After a few weeks, I noticed an improvement in my skin. I also started sleeping better soon after I started.

Here are some evaluations of our comments:

  • “I have been taking it for many years. My skin feels much softer and my nose doesn’t get stuffy. “I haven’t been sick for a long time.” – Miho
  • “I dissolve a pinch of Himalayan salt in warm water and drink it several times a day. I got good results. I keep a small box of salt with me and add it to the water as needed. I felt energized, my skin glowed, my digestive system worked better, and my heart stopped pounding. It works very well for me.” – Agnes
  • “Sole has had a huge impact on my life. I suffer from migraines and low blood pressure which leads to dizziness and fainting. “As a result of taking it alone every day, my migraines have reduced slightly compared to before and my blood pressure is now normal.” – Donna
  • “I learned about foot pads from my doctor who recommended using them to get rid of foot cramps at night. Ta-da! Solved! “Now I drink it every day and I haven’t had a cramp in my feet since!”
  • “Thank you for the great article. It really saved my life. I haven’t had salt in years. My muscles hurt. I had dark skin, swollen body, fatigue and allergies. All of my only symptoms of sodium deficiency were resolved. I am active and healthy now. Thank you.” – Joy

So, with all these great results, you’re probably wondering how to use Himalayan soles in your life!

How to use Himalayan soles

The best way to use Himalayan sole is to take a small amount of the mixture in 8 ounces of water first thing in the morning. That is, it is hollow. Wait 20 to 30 minutes before drinking plain water or coffee, eating breakfast, or eating calories. If you are doing oil pulling daily, do so before drinking the soles of your feet.

However, not everyone likes to have just one drink upon waking up in the morning. Some people like to mix a teaspoon of sol in 32 ounces of water and sip it throughout the day. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to make it even more delicious.

When starting out, it is common to increase your intake slowly to allow your body to adapt. Start with 1/4 teaspoon of water (8 to 12 ounces) in the morning on an empty stomach.

Gradually add 1 teaspoon of water to each cup of water. This is the standard daily dose for most people. (My kids take about half as much). However, I took up to 2 teaspoons per day. However, keep in mind that some people consume more than 3 teaspoons per day and experience diarrhea.

How much water should you drink?

The standard dosage for Himalayan Sol is usually 1 teaspoon mixed in a glass of water once a day. This amount provides the benefits of electrolytes and minerals without overloading the body with salt.

However, an individual’s hydration needs may vary depending on activity level, climate, and overall health. Sole water can be part of your hydration routine, but it should not be your only source of water intake.

What about high blood pressure?

It is interesting to note that 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt contains approximately 1,700 mg of sodium. The same amount of table salt contains about 2,300 mg. According to Original Himalayan Salt’s website, one teaspoon of salt contains only 478 mg of sodium. Therefore, the sodium content of 1 teaspoon in water is not as high as you might think.

Additionally, for most of the population, salt has no effect on blood pressure. However, there is something called familial hypertension. So, if you are genetically sensitive to salt, be cautious and consult your doctor.

Sometimes what looks like high blood pressure may actually be underlying insulin resistance. Avoiding salt may worsen insulin resistance, which may reduce the ability of insulin to dilate blood vessels, which may lower blood pressure.

Who should consider drinking alone?

People who want to increase their healthy salt intake or address any of the above issues may want to try it on its own. It may help people who have low blood sodium levels for any reason.

In general, Americans consume much less unrefined salt than our ancestors. Don’t neglect your potassium intake from fresh produce.

However, check with your doctor if you have kidney disease, heart disease, or other sodium-related health problems. There are times when a low-sodium diet is necessary, especially when trying to restore balance.

Final Thoughts on the Daily Himalayan Salt Routine

It’s easy to add essential minerals to your daily routine with Himalayan Pink Salt Soles. Since it’s good at room temperature, you can easily store it in a mason jar on your kitchen counter. That way, it stays top of mind and becomes a seamless part of your morning routine. However, you can also place it in the refrigerator to chill it.

Here are more details on how to make unique water: If you don’t want to use Himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt or real salt are also good options. Do not use refined table salt, which is pure sodium.

Are you trying to incorporate the soles of your feet into your daily routine? How much water do you drink a day? Please share below!

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