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The rise of infant formula milk and the reasons for it

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Breastfeeding It may play an especially important role in early nutrition. Benefits It affects the child’s future school performance, later economic prospects, and even the mother’s health.

Health authorities around the world have been following the World Health Organization (WHO) suggestion Newborns should be exclusively breastfed from the first hour after birth to the first 6 months, if possible, and thereafter continue to breastfeed until the age of 2 years or older while eating safe and nutritious foods.

Nevertheless, our Recent research It shows that global commercial infant formula sales are skyrocketing. Between 2005 and 2019, global infant formula sales more than doubled from 3.5 kg to 7.4 kg per child. Total sales increased from 1 million tonnes to 2.1 million tonnes.

This sales growth was seen across all types of formula, including “standard” formulas for infants (0-6 months), “tracker” formulas (7-12 months), toddler milks (13-36 months) and so-called “specialty” formulas. So children of all ages are consuming formula.

rapid growth happened Among the many densely populated countries, including the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and parts of Latin America, the most notable growth has been in East and Southeast Asia. In particular, China, which accounted for only 14% of global infant formula sales in 2005, now accounts for 33% of total sales.

In South Asia and West and Central Africa, volumes sold per customer remain low and show no signs of growth. In Europe and North America, volumes sold per customer remain high, but have stagnated or slightly decreased between 2005 and 2019.

Sales of infant formula doubled between 2005 and 2019. 279photo Studio/ Shutterstock

there is Medical reasons It’s about using safe and appropriate breast milk substitutes. And some women may find it difficult to continue breastfeeding due to circumstances and may use formula milk as a replacement or supplement to breastfeeding. Our research Furthermore, it shows that decisions and practices regarding formula use may be significantly influenced by broader social factors, such as commercial marketing, rather than individual choice.

It is well known that as countries become wealthier and more urbanized, and as more mothers enter formal employment, sales of formula milk increase. The boom in formula milk sales in Asia can be partly explained by the entry of millions of women into the paid labor force, especially in the region’s vast manufacturing areas.

Millions of women around the world also have appropriate Paid parental leave and social protection. That is, the decision to formula-feed may only be made out of necessity to avoid job and income loss. We also know that many hospitals and health facilities are not equipped to help women establish breastfeeding, and there are few maternal and newborn care facilities worldwide. standard Treatment for breastfeeding mothers and newborns.

Commercial factors are also important. Just five companies control 57% of the global infant formula industry, worth $56.6 billion (£42.5 billion). The industry is It is estimated that approximately $5 billion is spent on marketing each year.any It strongly shapes social norms. About ~ Feeding babies and children.

Marketing messages can portray formula milk as modern, scientific, and equal to or superior to breast milk. With the rise of social media, companies Target Moms Provides personalized products and advertising.

Hospitals are also a key marketing channel. Companies often engage health professionals to promote formula feeding. In many countries, health professionals are directly compensated for promoting formula. However, more often, companies influence health professionals indirectly. Support Their associations, conferences and trainings.

A grocery store aisle filled with baby and toddler formula products.

Companies cross-promote their products using the same packaging. ValeStock/ Shutterstock

The company too Cross promote They produce a full range of follow-up and infant milks using packaging and labeling similar to standard infant formula, which allows the company to bypass stricter bans on marketing infant formula.

Marketing regulations are also important. The fact that sales of infant formula have surged in China but have remained stagnant at low levels in India partly reflects the contrasting regulatory environment in which marketing regulations are more stringent and comprehensive.

Despite International Code stop Aggressive and inappropriate marketing When it comes to breast milk substitutes, most governments have not fully integrated them. By law. And even when laws exist, marketing violations by formula companies often go unpunished. The formula industry has also been able to lobby against increased regulation, in part by promoting its own – much weaker – corporate policies on marketing.

Health Problems

Breastfeeding, when possible, has numerous advantages over formula and bottle feeding, which is why the increase in formula sales is concerning.

Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the likelihood of a child becoming infected and to reduce the risk of infection in the child. Development of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes Later, breastfeeding has also been linked to a lower risk of developing the disease. Breast cancer, cervical cancer, diabetes Among mothers.

Another concern is the increasing consumption of formula milk by infants and young children. These products are often Ultra-processedIt’s expensive, it’s high in sugar, bad eating habits. Their increased use may further contribute to the rise in overweight and obese children worldwide.

Powdered milk is not a sterilized product and can be dangerous if prepared in unsanitary conditions or if diluted or concentrated excessively. It lacks the immune-boosting and other important elements of breast milk, further increasing the risk of malnutrition and infectious diseases. As a result, it is estimated that universal breastfeeding is recommended instead of using powdered milk. 823,000 children die each year An estimated 595,000 deaths are caused by diarrhea and pneumonia (mainly in low- and middle-income countries), and 20,000 maternal deaths are caused by breast cancer (mainly in high-income countries).

The global surge in the sale of formula milk is clearly a global health concern. Given the power of the corporate formula industry to influence behavior and understanding, more needs to be done to ensure that all mothers and children are protected from inappropriate advertising and are able to breastfeed as much as they want. That means: Strengthening the law Ban harmful marketing practices, expand access to paid parental leave, and ensure all Medical facilities Meets global standards.conversation

David McCoyProfessor of Global Public Health, Queen Mary University of London; Julie P. SmithHonorary Associate Professor, Australian National Universityand Philip BakerResearch Fellow, Institute of Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University, Deakin University

This article was republished from conversation Under Creative Commons License. Read more Original article.

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