that much Ghostbusters The remake’s storyline centers around Abby (Melissa McCarthy) and Erin (Kristen Wiig), two lifelong friends who have lost touch with each other. The two had been involved in paranormal research together several years ago. Abby continued to study paranormal phenomena in a small university lab, while Erin dropped everything to be taken seriously as a professor of particle physics at Columbia University.
The friends are reunited when a local museum curator encounters a ghost, and Jillian “Holtz” Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon) joins Abby as her new lab partner.
As the women investigate, another woman, Patty (Lesley Jones), approaches them for help when she encounters a ghost while working as an MTA employee on the subway. Now the team Ghostbusters The remake is complete. The women open an office, hire a funny, goofy, and awesome assistant named Kevin (Chris Hemsworth), and set to work building equipment and tracking down the root cause of all these ghostly appearances.