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The Secret Reason Ahsoka Became Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan

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Yoda felt guilty about how badly his plan had gone. After all, he had led Ahsoka down a path that had brought her much danger and pain. Furthermore, after she had turned away from welcoming him in the empty words of the Jedi, he was as shocked as the rest of the Jedi Council.

What makes things worse is that, although the Jedi Master never directly stated it, making Ahsoka Anakin’s Padawan seems to have helped reinforce all the wrong lessons for the Chosen One.

Ahsoka was originally meant to help Anakin realize the value of detachment, but due to the Jedi Council’s ugly actions, Ahsoka was estranged from Anakin too early, much like Qui-Gon was estranged from his mother.

What lesson could Anakin learn from this, other than that those in power will always try to separate him from those who love him, or separate his loved ones from him? Revenge of the SithHe is obsessed with finally gaining enough power to protect those he loves from others.

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