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Three whales at risk from deep-sea mining in the Arctic

8 Min Read

The vast Norwegian Sea, stretching all the way to the North Pole, is home to an incredible diversity of wildlife. Now, a new and surprising threat looms on the horizon north of the Arctic Circle: deep-sea mining. The Norwegian government plans to open up parts of the Norwegian Sea to this harmful mining activity. The proposed mining site overlaps with the habitat of many marine species, including incredible whales. The potential disruption caused by deep-sea mining, particularly through noise pollution and habitat destruction, could have devastating effects on these already vulnerable and sound-sensitive creatures.

Here we present three amazing whale species. What can be found in the Arctic, including where Norway plans to begin deep-sea mining?.

Northern bottlenose whale

Northern bottlenose whale (hyperoodon ampullatus) © Whitehead Lab (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The northern bottlenose whale is a remarkable beaked whale known for its unique appearance.. The large, round forehead, called the melon, helps in communication and echolocation. These whales They live in deep sea water, can dive for long periods of time, and mainly hunt squid near the seabed..

Sound is essential for northern bottlenose whales. They communicate through complex range calls and use echolocation clicks for navigation and finding food. Unfortunately, their Population figures remain uncertainThese whales, historically extinct due to whaling, are now Threatened by pollution and artificial noise. Studies have shown that they are highly sensitive to acoustic disturbances from activities such as military sonar and seismic testing for oil and gas drilling.. If deep-sea mining begins in the Norwegian Sea, the creatures that rely on this sound could be seriously affected. Therefore, continued research is essential to fill the knowledge gap and protect this poorly understood species.

sperm whale

Sperm whale underwater, Indian Ocean, Western Australia. © Alex Westover

sperm whale Their name comes from the unique substance called sperm whale that is found on their large, square-shaped heads.. This waxy substance was once used in candles and cosmetics, and acts as a buoyancy aid, helping them withstand the pressures of deep-sea foraging. The fearful and awe-inspiring sperm whale was famously depicted in Moby Dick.

These whales have: The largest brain of any animal on Earth And they can dive deeper than any other creature. In the dark depths of the ocean, they use powerful sonar to find food and navigate, and they communicate with each other by making clicks for echolocation. The clicks have been compared to Morse code. Sperm whale pods have a unique communication style, even featuring regional accents.

Sperm whales are a cosmopolitan species, found in oceans all over the world, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Females and young adults inhabit temperate and tropical waters, while males prefer polar waters, migrating to warmer waters to breed.. They have a unique defense mechanism against predators such as killer whales and sharks. They keep their heads close together with their tails extended like spokes of a wheel, and their vulnerable calves are protected in the center.

During the industrial whaling era, sperm whale populations have not yet fully recovered due to frequent hunting.. Today, they face threats from human activities, including ship strikes, entanglement in abandoned fishing gear, plastic pollution, and noise. The International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies sperm whales as: Vulnerable worldwide And it is endangered Mediterranean.

Humpback whale

A humpback whale breaches off a reef on the Great Barrier Reef, south of Queensland, Australia. © Paul Hilton / Greenpeace

The humpback whale is one of the most well-known and beloved whales in the world.. They are easily recognized by their distinctive head bumps, wrinkles along their chins, and their spectacular acrobatics. vocalization. These whales often engage in elaborate surface behaviors, such as leaping from the surface or tail-wagging, which create splashes that can be seen from a distance. Humpback whales live in all oceans and migrate extensively between summer feeding grounds near the Arctic and Antarctic and warmer winter breeding grounds in the tropics. They must feed intensively to build up energy stores before migrating. In fact, hThe humpback whale has the longest migration distance of any mammal on Earth..

Humpback whales make a variety of sounds, including moans, whines, and even snorts, which combine to form “songs.” Scientists are still studying how these songs change over time and across populations. Many calls are thought to play a role in courtship, while others are calls between mothers and calves. These whales also use fascinating feeding strategies. One such technique is known as the “Feeding the bubble net”Where the Humpback Whales Are To blow bubbles to make a curtain or net to trap a school of fish.

Like many other whale species, humpback whales have been hunted for commercial purposes in large numbers, leading to a dramatic decline in their populations. However, since commercial whaling was banned, some humpback whale populations have recovered significantly from the brink of extinction.

Your support can help protect whales’ homes.

Greenpeace works with supporters around the world to protect whales from human threats. We create a network of highly protected marine sanctuaries where whales can live safely, and campaign to stop destructive deep-sea mining from destroying their fragile natural habitats. Sign the petition to stop deep-sea mining:

This August, Greenpeace International, Nordic and Germany brought scientists to the Arctic region where Norway is considering opening up deep-sea mining. The scientists conducted visual and acoustic surveys of cetaceans (whales and dolphins), particularly sperm whales and northern bottlenose whales. The results of these surveys will help build knowledge about whale species living in an area that could be irreversibly destroyed. This could help strengthen the argument why the Arctic should never be opened up to deep-sea mining.

If you want to learn more about whales in general, listen to episode 3 of Greenpeace UK’s podcast Oceans: Life Under Water: Whales. By protecting our oceans, you can help protect whales.

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