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TikTok parent company ByteDance invests $2.1 billion to develop AI hub in Malaysia

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Malaysia has become a hub for AI-related investments by global technology giants.

Google last month exposed It is a $2 billion plan to build data centers and cloud hubs in the Southeast Asian country.

Also last month, Microsoft announced an investment of $2.2 billion. invest It entered the market “to drive cloud and AI innovation in Malaysia”.

Now ByteDance, the parent company of China-based social video app TikTok, is betting on Malaysia with a major investment of its own, while also focusing on its fast-growing AI business.

As reported ReutersAccording to a social media post by Investment, Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Zafrul Aziz last week, ByteDance “plan to invest The proposed investment of approximately RM10 billion in the AI ​​sector makes Malaysia an AI hub in the region. This translates to approximately $2.1 billion.

Aziz wrote that he met with TikTok’s vice president last week. Helena Rush We discuss the development of TikTok in Malaysia. He added in the post that ByteDance plans to invest an additional RM1.5 billion to expand its data center in Johor.

like mentioned here According to CNBC, training and deploying AI models uses large amounts of data and computational power, and the global boom in AI services has increased the demand for large-scale centers that can house all this data.

DC Byte’s 2024 Global Data Center Index (CNBC) Quotes report The city of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, has become the fastest-growing data center market in all of Southeast Asia.

Artificial intelligence is a key priority for ByteDance. The company hire for 252 As of Wednesday (June 19), there are machine learning roles available globally.

The company Popular Doubao AI We operate a variety of AI-based products, from Capcut, our AI video creation app, to TikTok, our flagship social video app.

TikTok’s powerful recommendation algorithm powers its “For You Feed.” According to TikTokIt is “one of the defining features” of the platform.

The algorithm is so valuable to ByteDance that it would reportedly prefer shutting down TikTok in the US rather than selling the app if its legal challenge to US ‘take-down or ban’ laws fails.

Especially in the music field, ByteDance has conducted extensive research on AI-generated music. Speech, Audio and Music Intelligence (SAMI) team.

As MBW reported in two widely read articles in March, ByteDance has blocked several AI music-related patent and trademark applications in the United States, some of which include: ‘Data mining’ and ‘music creation’.

ByteDance too Launch of machine learning-based music production app morph Not only in the last few years ripple – An AI-based music creation app that can turn humming melodies into songs.

In recent years Talk on Tik We’ve been testing an AI singing feature that uses large-scale language models to power lyric generation.

Meanwhile, in Malaysia, where TikTok’s parent company plans to invest more than $2 billion in the market’s AI hub, the government’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) wants to make the country a key player in global AI. market.

Last April, we launched the AI ​​Sandbox 2024 pilot program. 900 AI startups by 2026.

This program is supported worldwide. most valuable company, Nvidia has become a key player in AI model training through the AI ​​chips it manufactures. In December, NVIDIA Signed a $4.3 billion AI infrastructure development contract In the Malaysian market.

It has been reported that the Malaysian government plans to publish an artificial intelligence (AI) code of ethics. At the end of this month.worldwide music business

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