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Trump ally and former NBA star Royce White wins Minnesota GOP Senate primary | The Gateway Pundit

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Screenshot: Royce White/Youtube

Former NBA player and ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump Royce White has won the Minnesota Republican Senate primary.

The win positions White as the Republican nominee to challenge incumbent Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar in the upcoming general election.


According to White’s website:

My name is Royce White. I am a father, a patriot, and ready to fight for the free people of America. I was born and raised in a working class family in the Twin Cities. I am currently a professional athlete in basketball and mixed martial arts. Early in my career as a professional athlete, I tried to create a mental health policy for the NBA, but there was no policy.

Our community is at the center of a cultural war, a war that is spiritual, psychological, and economic. Like many communities across the country in crisis, we need a leader who will not betray. I will fight for the greater cause of American civil rights on behalf of the people of Minnesota.

We are now facing an enemy who seeks to corrupt our citizenship through the idea of ​​globalization. We must understand how globalization affects our local communities and stand up for God, our families, and our country. I have fought against the corporate community responsible for this globalization agenda. Send me to Washington to continue the fight in the swampy Senate.


White is very smart and an expert on the Democratic Party’s oppressive rule over the black community. He is the biggest threat to the far left. He is an intelligent black man who is not afraid to see through their lies and speak out.

In her opening monologue on Steve Bannon’s War Room, Lois White noted that 51 percent of black men, a majority, currently support Donald Trump for president.

There is an awakening happening in America today.

Lois White: These libertarians are fascists. They want to merge corporations and government. They want Google to become the government. They want the power to say that if you hesitate about vaccines or question elections, you will lose your freedom, you will lose your business, you will lose your assets. These are clearly fascists. But they just tell you not to trust your lying eyes.

Governor Tim Walz is that guy. Let’s go to Governor Tim Walz. He’s very moderate. He’s got that nice Midwestern Minnesota personality. Let’s talk about Tim Walz. Tim Walz is everything that’s wrong with American politics. They put a smile on your face. They have a way of getting their message across. That’s what they call delicious. He’s got that ‘A’ politician thing going on.

I am not a politician. In fact, I tell the truth in that way, and it probably hurts me. But Christ was crucified because he said it. Many other heroes throughout history have met the same fate. I would rather accept it that way than smile at people and stab them in the back. That is the hallmark of communism, and Tim Walz is a communist. There is no doubt about it.

Now, we can talk about the weird thing about leaving tampons in a little boy’s bathroom, and that’s ridiculous. Yes, of course. That’s a sign. That’s a sign that people have definitely lost their minds. We can talk about his role in 2020, and that’s another sign. Of course. We can talk about stolen valor, and maybe we should. Don’t stop that thread. Because if that claim is true, we’re talking about the most dishonorable person possible in our culture, in American culture.

But let’s get to the signal in the noise, the real signal, the deep signal. The deep signal is that if you have an $18 billion surplus and not a single penny of it goes to working class citizens, you’re a communist. If you, as governor, have an $18 billion surplus and you find somewhere else to invest that money other than giving it back to the people, you’re a communist. That’s what Governor Tim Walz did. That’s what Governor Tim Walz did.

He made a surplus of $18 billion, $1 billion, $1 billion, and not a penny of it went to the people. Another signal from the noise. No, the Democrats will say, we will protect all black people. Your life will be better under us. Prosperity is right in front of you. It has been right in front of you for 60 years. It is right in front of you. Just wait. Vote for us every two to four years. It is right in front of you, black people. It is right there.

Can’t you almost smell it? If Kamala Harris is standing there with her fake Southern accent and talking like she’s making homemade biscuits, black people, it’s right in front of you.

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