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Trump’s racist attacks on Harris were no accident

2 Min Read

Susan Glasser: “How much clearer does it have to be? America, you are being trolled.”

“The point here is simple. Trump’s efforts to divert the political debate over the past 24 hours to his false and offensive claims about his vice presidential bid may have been a political disaster, but it was not an accident, a mistake, or a chaotic gaffe. In 2024, this is as absurd as Trump agreeing to the unbelievable spin that his near-death by an assassin’s bullet has remade him into a timeless, unifying candidate. Even Trump couldn’t help but mock his adviser’s outrageous remarks…”

“Trump is Trump, and Trump is Trump. The Harris attack is a textbook example of his approach to politics, combining his belief in the strategic power of stoking racism to mobilize his base with his favorite tactic for disrupting the bad news cycle: changing the subject to something even more outrageous. Every moment spent discussing Harris’s race, or his foolishness in bringing it up, is not a moment spent on Trump’s own failings: his advanced age and flagrant unfitness for the presidency, his legal ramifications and criminal convictions, his outlandish vice presidential nomination and his party’s far-right agenda.”

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