How do you feel? The news cycle feels like a tornado that sweeps us all. But there are two things I think about what’s happening here in the United States (and share your thoughts in opinion).
1. Keep and focus on keeping steadily. The Trump administration has made a specific plan to start the second term. Shock and awe. They thought they would flood the media and overwhelm the public. So we are so confused that we don’t know what to do… It was frozen.
“If you overwhelm the media -if you give too many places, if you need to see it at once, if you keep moving again, you will not be able to see a consistent opposition.” Ezra Klein ~ His podcast Last Sunday.
But do not believe Trump says. Klein calls. Trump makes a terrible declaration of the wild, but as he wants, the president cannot rewrite the Constitution, and many of his proposals were blocked out of the door. “In a few days BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP ORDER It was frozen by a judge. ”Klein says. “The judge was frozen Spending freezing Shortly after that, the Trump administration was partially withdrawn to avoid the court case. ”
This is not to say that things are not bad. I don’t want to minimize the shipwreck. People live in tremendous fear, and many people are harming, including trans from, immigrants, and federal workers. Even Trump’s threats make people less safely by promoting racism, gender discrimination, and “our” thinking.
But you can act together without shock. “The speed and frequency of this crime is to flood the area with shit, as Steve Bannon says. Confused and bamboozle and to fix us ” J. MichaelsonIn his newsletter, rabbi, activists and former professors Both/and. “They promised that they would ‘shock and awe,’ and that was what they did. There is nothing surprising here. Do not lose your evaluation. ” We will stand firmly.
2 No. 5 Late AppIt is very easy to call the person in charge. You can make five calls in 5 minutes. They give you a phone number and tell you exactly what you will say about the main issues (the Ministry of Education Protection or the Government Acquisition of ELON MUSK or the RFK JR. of the Minister of Health and Welfare, RFK JR. Simple, simple, and this phone makes a difference.
Also consider reading Insurance: Practical guide to democracy in crisisWe offer a clear strategy for counterattack over the next four years. The two, who are very smart and fun, felt that the guide to the written guide was to enhance reading.
Share your thoughts below -this is very difficult, but we have many good people and a lot of energy and bandwidth in this country. Send great hugs and solidarity.
PS, if you need it right now.
(Photo of JESS Woodhouse/Stocksy).