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Ugandan orphans create heartbreaking video to thank The Gateway Pundit readers for supporting a new charity! | The Gateway Pundit

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As a powerful testament to our unwavering faith and resilience, It was founded on January 6th when political prisoner Jake Lang started this inspiring initiative from inside prison.

Despite suffering for over 1,350 days under the oppressive thumb of the Biden-Harris administration, Jake’s commitment to justice for the protesters of January 6 and charity for God’s people has not wavered. Denied a fair trial and trapped in a two-tier judicial system, Jake has turned his suffering into a beacon of hope for Christian orphans in Uganda and Nigeria.

Turning Adversity into Action

While Jake endured the trials of a justice system that many would argue is deeply flawed, his spirit was unbroken. He conceived and launched from the harsh prison environment. This charity is designed to address one of the most urgent needs in the world today: the care and support of impoverished Christian orphans. This initiative is not only a lifeline to these children, but also a profound act of resistance to the injustice Jake himself faced.

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Bridging the gap between abundance and need is a powerful reminder of the core principle of Christian teaching: the command to love your neighbor. Jake’s efforts reflect a direct response to the biblical call to help those in need, transforming the vivid reality of his own suffering into a source of hope and salvation for others.

The charity provides practical solutions by providing monthly sponsorships that provide essential support to orphans in Uganda and Nigeria, ensuring they have the food, clothing and education they desperately need.

Watch the video with a special message from the orphanage to The Gateway Pundit readers (0:42 mark)

The harsh reality of orphans’ lives

These children, orphaned and facing daily hardships, live lives marked by extreme poverty. With their tattered clothing and poor nutrition, their plight is a stark reminder of how urgent our response is. works to address these critical needs, not only providing immediate relief, but also investing in their future through education and Christian upbringing.

A transparent commitment to efficiency is committed to 100% transparency and ensures that donations go directly to orphanages, eliminating middlemen and waste. This commitment allows donors to see the direct impact of their generosity, knowing that their donations are making a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children.

Make a change today

By supporting, you will join Jake Lang in turning his personal struggles into a force for global good. Your support will help provide food, clothing, school supplies, and most importantly, the love and care these children need to thrive. In the face of adversity and injustice, Lang’s vision provides a powerful opportunity for you to join in the transformational effort to bridge the gap between abundance and desperate need.

In a world where the suffering of the vulnerable is often overlooked, stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to the enduring power of faith and compassion. Join us in this noble mission to bring light to those who need it most.

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