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Watch World War 3: NATO develops plans to place US soldiers on the front lines to potentially fight Russia in all-out war | gateway expert

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Credit: Daily Mail

The globalists in charge are interested in potentially expanding the already devastating Ukraine-Russia war beyond the borders of both countries.

daily mail reported The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) said Tuesday that it is preparing plans to deploy U.S. troops to the front lines on the European continent in anticipation of a possible war with Russia.

Such a dangerous move has the potential to cause direct harm by pitting our men and women against our nation. maximum Nuclear weapons on Earth.

From the Daily Mail post:

It has been revealed that NATO is planning to send US troops to the front lines in Europe in the event of an all-out war with Russia.

A new ‘land corridor’ is being created to move soldiers quickly through central Europe without local bureaucratic obstacles, and to allow NATO forces to strike immediately if Mr Putin’s destructive war in Ukraine advances further west.

The plan is said to include allowing troops to sweep the Balkans through passages in Italy, Greece and Turkey or advance through Scandinavia toward Russia’s northern border in case of Russian bombardment.

According to plans being developed, U.S. troops would land at one of five ports on the European continent. Four will allow access to Ukraine’s western border, while the fifth will reach the Russian border via Finland.

A report last year said that in case of war with Russia, the alliance could provide “300,000 troops at a high level of readiness.” Because America is enduring this. 70% Of the total defense spending of all countries in the NATO alliance, we can be sure that they will provide the majority of this force.

The ultimate goal of this development plan is to ensure that NATO forces can transit Europe without unnecessary delays caused by local bureaucracy and checkpoints. According to mail.

French President Emmanuel Macron is also likely to join these plans. Gateway Pundit previously reported that Macron did not rule out sending European troops to fight Russian soldiers in Ukraine, something Russian President Vladimir Putin’s foreign intelligence chief said was a “very dangerous and irresponsible move.”

Retired U.S. Army Colonel and former Secretary of Defense Douglas MacGregor best summed up this shocking news with the following question: What is NATO thinking?

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