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What is Solwater and how is it made?

64 Min Read

The modern American diet is told that salt is bad and should be avoided at all costs. But the truth is that salt is not the villain it is often portrayed as! In fact, salt is very good for our bodies. There is long-standing evidence that consuming the right kind of salt (unprocessed and unrefined) every day can be very beneficial to our health. That’s why I love making salt water!

Increasing your salt intake can provide your body with essential electrolytes that it needs to function properly. Eating salt is good, but sometimes adding too much salt to your food can make it taste too salty.

If you want to increase your hydration and electrolytes to support your health and wellness, try Sol Water! It’s easy to make and only requires two ingredients.

What is Solwater?

Sol (pronounced so-lay) is water that is completely saturated with unrefined salt. Often made with pink Himalayan salt, this concentrated brine is a great way to increase electrolytes.

Many people add salt to their water to help their health. Salt water is not the same as drinking water with salt in it. Salt water is water that has absorbed as much salt as possible (26% actually… thanks, high school chemistry!). Think of sea water as being similar to salt water.

Adding salt to your water is a good habit, but salt provides more electrolytes. When you sweat or fast, you lose electrolytes. It is a good way to replenish these minerals, as it provides trace amounts of sodium along with magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium.

The type of salt you use is key! Regular table salt is overly processed. Many essential minerals are removed during the manufacturing process. Factories often bleach the salt and add chemicals to prevent it from clumping. To make a salt, you need unprocessed natural salt (Himalayan, lemon, Celtic sea salt).

Why should you drink salt water?

Drinking salt water may seem counterintuitive, since health experts have been saying for years that salt can be harmful. However, several studies have shown that drinking seawater (even concentrated salt water) has a variety of health benefits. Some countries have used 蛛蛛 for centuries. I drink 蛛蛛 water every day, but especially when I’m active (and sweaty!) or fasting.

It is interesting to note that the existing recommendations for these problems include eliminating excessive salt from the diet. Table salt can certainly have negative effects and is best avoided. However, natural salt is less processed and contains trace minerals that table salt does not. Natural salt is incredibly nutritious for the body.

Advantages of Solwater

  • Helps hydrate – Our bodies are made up of salt water. During sleep, the body naturally recovers and detoxifies. It uses a lot of water in the process. Taking sol first thing in the morning helps the body rehydrate.
  • Helps detoxify the body – People have been using salt for centuries. preserve food. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory mouthwash. Because of its antibacterial properties, salt water can be useful in the body’s natural detoxification.
  • Improved sleep – Studies show that a low-sodium diet disrupts sleep. Adding salt to your daily routine increases your levels of sodium and other minerals that help you sleep.
  • Boosts energy – The minerals in soybeans help boost your energy throughout the day. A 2019 study found that people who consumed more sodium had more energy.
  • Improve digestion – A 2020 randomized controlled trial found that drinking salt water stimulates the digestive system, promoting food absorption and naturally relieving constipation.
  • Regulate your heart rate – A low-salt diet interferes with the heart’s electrical signals, increasing the risk of irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias.
  • Improves blood sugar levels – Studies have shown that high-salt diets enhance insulin regulation, while low-salt diets increase insulin resistance. Some people report improved blood sugar levels after using Sol.
  • Natural antihistamine – Salt is a powerful natural antihistamine. This action is most likely due to its balancing effect on the body, which I have personally noticed.
  • Relieves muscle spasms – Since I started drinking salt water regularly and taking magnesium, I no longer get leg cramps after intense exercise or during pregnancy. A 2022 review of eight studies on salt water consumption found that it helped me recover faster and perform better after exercise.
  • Weight loss – By improving digestion and nutrient absorption and increasing hydration, flounder may help promote weight loss.

Halibut is an inexpensive food to add to a healthy diet and lifestyle, and it’s also very easy to make.

How do you make the sole?

Since salt is simply salt and water, the quality of the salt is very important. It is usually made from Himalayan pink salt, but you can also use Redmond salt or Celtic sea salt. All of these unprocessed natural salts contain roughly the same amount of trace minerals, such as magnesium and potassium.

Ayurvedic practices often use Himalayan salt to balance the body’s doshas (energy). Be sure to use natural, unprocessed salt.

I use Himalayan salt primarily, and like to add a little Redmond salt or Celtic salt. Redmond salt has the mildest flavor of the three, so it’s an easy salt to start with if you’re new to salt water.

Solwater Recipe

Salt water is saturated with natural salt minerals. It is good for digestive health, leg cramps, hydration, sleep, etc.

  • Fill a glass jar about ¼ full with Himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt, real salt, or a mixture of the three.

  • Fill the jar with filtered water, leaving about an inch of water at the top.

  • Cover with plastic cap and shake bottle gently.

  • Leave it on the counter overnight to allow the salt to dissolve.

  • If there is still salt left at the bottom of the bottle the next day, it means the water has absorbed as much salt as possible and the sole is ready to be used.

  • Once all the salt has been absorbed, add more salt and continue adding salt every day until there is no salt left at the bottom. This means the water is completely saturated with salt.

Nutritional Information

Solwater Recipe

Serving Size (1 teaspoon)

calorie 0

% Daily Value*

sodium 589mg26%

potassium 0.1mg0%

calcium 0.4mg0%

steel 0.01mg0%

* Percent Daily Intake is based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

  • To use: Mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the powder in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. Do not use metal tools to measure or stir.
  • Salt water is very corrosive, so do not use metal utensils or metal lids to avoid oxidation.

How to use the brush

After making the mixture, store it at room temperature. Since salt is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, it can be stored indefinitely. To maintain the amount in the bottle, add more water and salt as needed. After leaving it overnight, check to see if there are salt crystals at the bottom of the bottle. This means that the water has completely absorbed the salt. If there are no additional crystals, add more salt and leave it overnight again.

To drink, add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon to a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach. Do not add more, especially when you first start! If this causes a detox reaction or headache, increase slowly. You can also add lemon to the water to make it more delicious.

Solwater side effects

When you first start, the sol may cause nausea. If so, start with less. It is best taken on an empty stomach, but you can also add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon to 32 ounces of water and drink throughout the morning.

Sol can also irritate the stomach or cause diarrhea. If this happens, stop taking it for a few days until the symptoms go away. If you want to try it again, start slowly with a small dose and increase it gradually.

Who can drink Sol?

If you have kidney stones or disease or high blood pressure, salt water may not be a good choice. Conventional advice suggests that adding more salt to your diet can make these conditions worse. However, there is evidence to suggest otherwise. If you have these conditions, consult your natural health practitioner before consuming salt water.

Have you ever made Solwater? How was it? Share it below!

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