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What is the Planetary Diet? A Nutritionist Explains

7 Min Read

Everyone wants to be healthy. And like most people, you care about the health of the planet. New research suggests that one particular eating habit can actually help both your body and the planet.

According to a recently published study, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition We found that the Planetary Health Diet can lower the risk of premature death by up to 30%, and may also lower the risk of death from cancer, heart disease and lung disease.

Understanding the Planetary Health Diet

The Planetary Health Diet is very simple. It consists of eating mostly whole plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Meat is not excluded. This diet allows for moderate amounts of animal products.

The study analyzed the health and data of 200,000 participants. The subjects kept food diaries for up to 34 years.

Researchers used 15 food groups, including whole grains, vegetables, poultry and nuts, to assess how strictly people followed the Planetary Health Diet.

The study also showed a correlation between those who followed the diet most strictly and their positive impact on the environment: 29% less greenhouse gas emissions, 21% less fertilizer requirements, and 51% less land use.

Health Benefits of the Planetary Health Diet

Is the Planetary Health Diet really as good as recent headlines suggest? We asked MyFitnessPal registered dietitian Brookell White to decipher the science and tell you everything you need to know.

“A diet rich in plant foods and low in processed foods, sugar, and red meat is generally a good choice for most people,” says White. “The Planetary Health Diet seems like a healthy, balanced diet.”

White agrees with the researchers’ main findings. Sticking to the program can help reduce your risk of certain preventable diseases.

“This diet is similar to the Mediterranean diet, DASH diet“Both are generally recommended for people at risk for common metabolic disorders, including heart disease or obesity,” says White. “They It has been shown to lower the risk of these diseases..”

According to White, one of the biggest differences from the Planetary Heath Diet is that the Mediterranean diet focuses on monounsaturated fats from foods like fatty fish and olive oil.

Who Can Benefit from the Planetary Health Diet?

While you should always check with your doctor before starting any new diet, White says the Planetary Health Diet is a good program for most people. However, it may be especially beneficial for people with or at risk for heart disease, metabolic disorders, or obesity.

“This diet may be good for most people, not just those at risk for these diseases, because it’s a great dietary pattern rich in whole foods,” says White.

Is the Planetary Health Diet Good for Weight Loss?

One of the appealing aspects of the Planet Health Diet is that it is effective for weight management.

“This diet is loaded with low-calorie foods. For most healthy people, weight loss comes down to reducing overall calories,” says White. The low-calorie, high-fiber content of these foods can help: It makes you feel full and satisfied and helps you lose weight..

But if you don’t do your portion control right, you can still gain weight. “I haven’t seen any specific food patterns that would lead to weight gain for most people if they followed this diet correctly, except for overconsumption,” says White. “With any diet, if you have too many calories, you’re more likely to gain weight.”

The Challenge of a Planetary Health Diet

That’s not exactly breaking news. People should eat less meat for their health and the environment.. But that’s easier said than done, especially if you don’t want to sacrifice protein.

Americans, on average, spend about 4.5 pounds of meat per week. The most recent study doesn’t list an exact amount of meat that can be included in the Planetary Health Diet, but there’s good reason to think it’s less than that.

Studies on similar diets “We recommend eating no more than 98 grams of red meat and 203 grams of poultry per week,” says White. That’s less than a pound of meat per week.

“It’s like one cooked beef patty and two small chicken breasts.”

A drastic reduction in meat consumption could be difficult for many people.

“If you’re following the Planetary Health Diet, I would suggest slowly reducing your meat intake. Taking the time to slowly reduce your intake of poultry and red meat to just three times a week can increase the likelihood that you’ll stick to this diet,” says White.

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Another consideration is protein intake. If your goal is to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass (which White strongly recommends), you’ll want to focus on increasing your plant-based protein intake when following this diet.

Good plant-based sources of protein include tofu and other soy products, as well as legumes such as lentils and chickpeas.

“It’s a good idea to count your protein intake to make sure you’re getting enough protein from this diet,” says White.

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