I understand why the calendar is added every four years in February. The revolution of the earth around the sun is about 365 days and 1 day. One more day is added every four years and the additional time is added. The humble rounding error of this calculation is offset at the same stage as falling the extra day of the leap year for several years that ends with “00”.
But my question is why February is only 28 days in another year. In the end, there is 31 days in January and 31 days in March. If these two months are donated from one day to February, three months can be 30 days, 3 years of four years, and 31 days of leap. The other moon is 30 or 31 days. Why is February 28 days?
(This post was re -published from February 29 a year ago.)
The answer to such a question returns to the history of the calendar. In this case Jonathan HogeBack Writing on the Britannica website tells me. Before the Roman Empire begins, it seems to settle in the Roman King Muma Foam Philius around 700 B.C.E. At that time, there was a flaw in the ancient Roman calendar. There was almost no enough day. As Hogeback writes
The first Roman calendar, the oldest ancestor of Gregorian calendar, had a remarkable difference between modification and structure. It consists of 10 months, not 12 months. Roman King to completely sync calendar and the sun of the moon Numa Foam Philius January and February were originally added in 10 months. The previous calendar was spent for 30 days, 30 days, 4 months, for 304 days. But Numa wanted to have an even number of even his calendar because Rome’s superstition was not lucky. He took a day for 29 months for 30 days. The year of the moon consists of 355 days (exactly 354.367), but calling it 354 would have made it unhappy for a year!) In the end, more than one month of 12 had to include a few days. This is because of the simple mathematical fact. The sum of the odd number (12 months) is always the same as the number of even numbers and wanted the gun to be odd. So NUMA chose February, a master to host the Roman rituals that respect the dead with a lucky moon.
This discussion explains why February will be singular because it is a moon of consciousness that respects the dead. In Numa’s calendar, in the 355 -day year, the lucky odds will be composed of lucky odds and lucky 11 months.
The discussion also explains why the moon starting with “OCT-” or 8, “nov” or nine, “dec-” or ten actually begins with 10, 11, 12 months. This name was originally part of the year of 10 months.
But the question still has an answer. Did the Romans at that time seem to be lucky to odd numbers compared to the unfortunate even number? I think it’s hard to explain the superstition, but I’ve never seen a great explanation. The Dartmouth course for “geometry of art and architecture” depicts the feelings of Pythagoras for odd and even. For those who score at home, Pitt Tearas lived in the second century after Numa Pompilius. that Dartmouth courses are summarized Side of “Pythagorean Number Symbolism”:
The odd number was considered a man; Feminical numbers because they are weaker than odds. They can divide nothing in the center, unlike odd numbers. In addition, the odds are the master because the odd number is always odd. And the two events can never cause odd numbers, and the two probability generate even. Odd was lucky because his son’s birth was lucky than his daughter’s birth.
Various statements of lucky lucky of odd numbers recur over time. After 1 century BC POET VIRGIL has Alphesiboeus characters (shepherd who sings about love consciousness) says Eklogue VIII. (In as kline translation):
Bring my song Daphnis home and bring him home from the village.
First I tie three threads around you in three colors around you.
And deliver this altar three times or twice.
God himself is pleased with uneven numbers.
Bring my song Daphnis home and bring him home from the village.
Or go ahead of Millennium and class, AStart of T ACT V Mary’s wife of the windorShakespeare says falstaff.
Prithee, no more Prattling. go. I will catch me. this
This is the third. I hope that good luck will be in the odd number.
far. They say they are divinity of odd water
Birth, opportunity or death number.
I admit this history of faith in odd numbers, but as a person born in even a month in a year, I do not take it to accept it. However, it is interesting that modern photographers have guidelines for constructing photos of “rule of probability.” RDigital Photography School of ICK OHNSMAN, For example, it is described in the following way.
This is a place where the rules of probability work, and it is a simple but powerful tool in a simple but simple but simple but simple picture. It naturally is to oddly place the subject to create a more pleasant configuration. Unlike more static guidelines, the rules of probability provide a mix of structure and organic flow, making the image aesthetically attractive and attractive.
The modified calendar of Numa Pompilius could not last. In 355 days, the actual period of the earth did not reflect the rotation of the sun, so the story was further modified in itself.
But when you think about it, the problem of February with 28 days returns to the superstition of Numa pompilius and odd water. Modern calendars have 365 days in typical years. You may think that the obvious way to share this is to start from 30 days of 12 months and then add 5 days. In fact, the ancient Egyptians had this type of calendar and added five “Epagomenal” or “calendar days every year.
At least since the Julius Caesar era, the preference for the last 2,000 years is 12 months, some of which must be longer. But nevertheless, why is there 31 days of 5 months in the typical year and the rest is 30 days? The problem is that most of the moon will not be lucky for most months. If you own February 28, not February to 28, you can redeem two days from February and 31 days in January and March. Therefore, a total of 30 days (“September, April, June, November…”) and seven months have always been lucky for 31 days. Over the end of February 29, eight months will be odd. Do I think this is a lucky day on February 29?