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Wildfires expected to further worsen national housing crisis

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This story was originally published by sound And here it is reproduced as part of that. Climate Desk collaboration.

The Park Fire in Northern California has burned more than 399,000 acres, quickly becoming the fourth-largest wildfire in state history and forcing evacuations across four counties.

The fire, which authorities say was caused by arson, grew last week as the western United States looks ahead to another intense wildfire season. The combination of strong vegetation growth from heavy rains over the past few years and warm temperatures this summer could lead to more blazes in the coming months.

All of these conditions contributed to the scale of the park fire, which has already affected more than a million people. 500 structuresAnd put it in At least 8,000 people In accordance with the evacuation order. In another sense of scale, the fire grew so large that You can see it from space Now covers more area. than the entire city of Los Angeles..

The park fire follows numerous other large fires that have devastated the United States in recent years. Hawaii 2023, California 2021and Montana 2017. It’s the latest disaster to show how devastating fires can be to communities across the United States, and the urgent need for better policies to help navigate potential displacement.

By 2023, 2.5 million Americans will have been temporarily or permanently displaced from their homes due to natural disasters. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, And the agency’s current estimate is at least 500,000 more The number of people who have migrated so far this year is as follows: vulnerable groups People most likely to be displaced by this phenomenon include low-income households, people over 65, and black and Hispanic Americans.

The impact of park fires and the increasing number of Natural Disasters, Some of them are related to climate change, highlighting the urgent need for more federal support for recovery and how these events are exacerbating the existing housing crisis.

How the evacuation proceeds

People who need to evacuate due to the park fire and others like them should take shelter with friends or family, in a hotel, or in a shelter set up by the affected county. Evacuations are usually initiated by the affected county or city, and residents should be notified as the situation becomes more urgent.

Evacuation orders can be issued at any time, including in the middle of the night. Law enforcement officers are usually responsible for notifying people and alerting neighborhoods, and may use vehicles and sirens. They also provide updates through television, radio, and social media. Many counties have text-based emergency alert systems that residents can sign up for to receive mobile updates about disasters.

People living in high-risk wildfire areas are often advised to prepare an evacuation plan, including an emergency bag containing essentials such as water, flashlights, charged devices, and fuel for the car. Those who can leave on their own in a vehicle are encouraged to evacuate quickly when an evacuation order is issued and to move away from fire-affected areas as indicated on county-issued maps.

Counties can also designate gathering places where people can gather when they are unable to leave on their own or when roads are blocked. Officials then coordinate emergency routes and shelters for people to use.

Depending on how long it takes to contain and extinguish a fire, evacuees could be left in a state of uncertainty for days or even weeks, uncertain about the condition of their homes. Feeling stressed and destructive For the many people who want to know if their homes were damaged by a disaster.

Read the following

California’s park fires are creating smoke storm clouds.

Once the imminent danger has passed and the fire is under control, officials assess when it is safe for people to return, says Tom Korba, a geography professor at the University of Utah who studies wildfire evacuation systems. That includes checking for any remaining toxins from the fire and other hazards such as downed power lines and propane tanks.

Once it is deemed safe, people may be allowed to return to the area to assess potential damage, or they may only be allowed to drive while viewing their homes from their cars due to health risks from lingering smoke and debris.

People whose homes are destroyed or permanently displaced by a disaster face a much longer and more complex journey to rebuild or relocate.

Insurance can help offset some of these costs, but some former evacuees on Maui noted that such funds are scarce. Pay rent temporarily.

In certain areas with high risk of wildfires, Homeowners insurance may not cover wildfires. Because of how costly these disasters are to these companies, the responsibility for rebuilding falls on the owners. In addition to construction, families also bear the cost of securing replacement housing while they wait for the process, which can take months or even years.

Disasters highlight gaps in support and housing

Disasters like the Park Fire highlight the shortcomings of current federal recovery assistance and the already problematic housing shortage.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the central distributor of rebuilding grant assistance that people can apply for, but these programs can have strict requirements. Includes specific thresholds for damage — Not everyone qualifies. Even those who qualify for insurance funds may not receive some of this assistance. Often, the assistance provided is not enough to cover the full cost of rebuilding. According to a 2020 report from the Government Accountability Office:From 2010 to 2019, the average amount of assistance an individual received from FEMA was $3,522.

States like California Fill some of the gaps by offering benefits like free debris removal services to homeowners and agencies including the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. There are also loan programs for rebuilding.. But the support needed is often greater than what is available, and can leave people who lose their homes economically vulnerable.

“The help Americans receive after disasters is not only inadequate, it’s also complicated to navigate and painfully slow to arrive,” writes Samantha Montano, an emergency management professor at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. For the New York Times. “From the time it takes to recover (years, not months) to the labyrinth of policies, regulations, false promises and lawsuits, the rewards for surviving a disaster are forced into a system so cruel that it often leads to a second disaster.”

Montano argues that the solution is to provide resources to FEMA, which faces a funding shortfall in 2023, and for the state to increase its budget and develop a better recovery plan that includes dedicated management. Many of these challenges are evidenced by the response to the Lahaina wildfires on Maui, where families displaced by the fires were still searching for temporary housing. About six months after the disaster.

Another issue that has been brought to light by these disasters is the housing problems already faced by residents in the affected areas. Fire in Paradise, California in 2018 For example, about 14,000 homes were destroyed, further exacerbating the housing shortage in the area. In Plumas CountyIn one of the four counties affected by the Park Fire, there is already a shortage of affordable housing for low-income households. Additional damage from the Park Fire could further exacerbate this gap.

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