Hampton Dellinger, a laid off special lawyer, admitted that the DC Court was ready to release hell to President Trump if he could not stop him.
On Monday evening, the DC Court Court did everything to prevent the court, but made a decision in the Hampton Delinger case.
The DC Court ruled the Henderson (George W. Bush Pademer), Millett (Obama Padere) and Walker (Trump Padere) Judge.
The Court of Appeals, which cited Seila Law and Collins, said the government had met the burden and said that the US president would succeed in claiming that he had the right to eliminate the one of the single top police officers and agencies.
“In the first element, the government met the burden. “[T]He prohibits the Constitution that even the humble restriction of the president’s authority can remove the one of the single chief officers and the head of the agency. I wrote.
(“[T]He said, ‘You may not be regulated by Congress or not reviewed by the court. “
This is why Hampton Dellinger fought to prevent the court from making a ruling.
This decision will affect other similar cases associated with Cathy Harris and Gwynne Wilcox.
On Tuesday, interview Together with Mediaite founder Dan Abrams, Hampton Dellinger admitted to file a lawsuit to restore 200,000 protection staff who were dismissed by President Trump.
“I knew that the independence of the office was erased. So the idea of coming back six months later or a year and trying to pick up a piece did not seem realistic to me. So I decided to fold. ”Hampton Dellinger said.
DELLINGER said, “I killed me because I was in crisis. This is not disclosed, but we are pleased with you and your audience. “I would have thought that I was wrongly fired on behalf of 200,000 probation employees on Thursday or Friday,” DELLINGER said.
Hampton Dellinger boasted that the DC circuit court restored 6,000 protection staff before dealing with him.
“Last Wednesday, I got a slogan for 6,000 of them, and I was kicked out, but I was ready for them all, and it would have been right. I think the court would have obtained a court for me. So I will always be frustrated by the fact that I didn’t go.
Hampton Dellinger admitted that he was ready to require the reinstatement of the 200,000 federal probation employees. He succeeded in temporarily restoring almost 6,000 people before DC Appellate Court took him to a special torture. pic.twitter.com/bu1kc98z8Q
-Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) March 11, 2025
See the entire interview here.
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